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Exhaust unit TFS 500

Assurance in occupational and health safety

Application-dependent motor selectionWelding fumes and dusts from related processes are  easily  handled  by  this  system.  The  Institute  for Occupational Safety and Health (IFA) has spe-cifically tested them in accordance with DIN ISO 15012-1  (2013)  and  15012-4  (2016).  It  fulfils  the  protection  level  for  safe  extraction  and  filtering  required  by  the  TRGS  528  Directive.  High  safe-ty requirements are thus met. Smoke, vapours or dusts with particles in the micrometer range are safely filtered out of  the air. Awarded W3 and the DGUV seal, the system offers triple protection for humans,  environment  and  machinery,  and  is  ac-cordingly listed on the "IFA positive list".


Application dependent motor selection

In order to ensure the optimal suitability of  the fil-ter  and  extraction  system  for  the  respective  ap-plication,  the  TBH  product  range  offers  various  motor  concepts  to  choose  from.  In  this  way,  it  is  possible to optimally adapt the design of  the system to the conditions given on site - for example:. Short or long extraction lines,. Large or small line crosssections,. Coarse or fine particles,. Single-spot or multispot extraction,.  Noise sensitive environment or industrial production hall


Low contamination filter changing

The system is used in the area of  laser marking. It is also ideal for laser engraving and other appli-cations  with  medium  or  high  dust  levels.  For  the  TFS series, the filters used were specially  optimized  with  regard  to  handling  and  system  service  life.  For  this,  the  SafeLine  filter  developed  is  accommodated  in  an enclosed housing that can be easily  closed  off   when  changing  the  filter.  Thus,  it  effectively  protects the user from the filtrate contained in it. The design allows heavy  particles  to  settle  at  the  bottom  of   the  filter  without  putting load on the filter surface. The enormous  filter  surface  and  the  simultaneously  optimal  inflow  of   the  filter  packs  results in long service life. Filter changing easily takes place via the front door of  the system. Safe-Line and particle filters are separate filters in a common clamping  system  of   the  TFS  series.  However,  they  can  be  changed  separately. The filter changing is toolfree and requires only a few minutes.  The  activated  carbon/BAC  filter  is  located  above  the  two saturation filters and can be changed separately as required. The  individual  filter  monitoring  allows  for  optimal  maintenance  planning, keeping the filter costs respectively low.


Double adsorption power

The adsorption of  the gaseous substances takes place with activated carbon (physical adsorption) and BAC granulate (chemical adsorption).In  addition,  they  take  up  a  very  broad  spectrum  of  gases and odours.


Draws off every harmful particle


Pollutants do not stand a chance

  • Low-contamination dust disposal
  • Molecular sieve against gaseous pollutants
  • Piping / Flexible hose / Extraction arm
  • Air-recirculation or exhaust-air pipe


Special filter concept


Easy handling and prolonged service time

  • Simple operation
  • H14 particle filter for more safety
  • Separation of  ultrafine particles
  • Return of  purified air possible
  • Optimized contact times with gas-filter granulate


External control of the system

  • Powerful control unit
  • Start / Stop button
  • "Filter full" pre-warning stage (75 %)
  • Group-error output (speed, temperature, "filter full" 100 %)
  • External power control  
  • Parameterization access for activating special functions
  • Message cache
  • Digital interface (RS232)




  •  Laser technology

Lasers are used for processing metals, woods and plastics. Due to this versatility, companies are intensively involved in laser technology. This not only increases efficiency, but also creates unwanted byproducts,    regardless  of   type  and  performance.  TBH  systems  ensure safe extraction of  fine dust and laser fumes.


  •    Soldering

Soldering  connects  two  different  materials  by  melting.  Tin  solder  being used releases additives that have harmful effects on the respiratory  organs.  Depending  on  the  soldering  application  (manual  or automated), a suitable filter and extraction system must therefore be used.


  •    Welding/Grinding/Cutting

Welding,  grinding  and  cutting  processes  result  in  very  fine  particles from the surfaces being worked. These dangerous substances settle  in  the  lungs  and  can  lead  to  permanent  inability  of   the  respective employee to work. To prevent this from happening, welding fumes must be efficiently extracted. This is demanded by the legal  authorities  in  TRGS528.  TBH  GmbH  therefore  offers  a  large  number of  systems with W3 / DGUV approval.


  • Electronics

Manufacturers  of   electronic  products  work  with  small  or  tiny  elements.  Highlytoxic  materials  such  as  arsenic  or  phosphorus  are  often used to modify the properties of  semiconducting substances. Solvents are used for removing contaminants on microchips; these pollute the environment and are harmful for employees.


  • Work processes with vapours/gases

Gases are much more difficult to separate than solid particles. Due to their chemical structure, they can pass through most filters without any problems. Special filters are required to extract gases correctly and reliably.


  • Plastics processing

Almost every industry today processes plastics. TBH systems are exactly the right solution for the safe extraction and filtration of grinding dusts and vapours thatn occur during the processing of plastics. Be convinced by our quality.


  • Technical glass

Glass production results in great heat. The high temperatures re-quired  for  melting  glass  cause  gases  containing  large  quantities  of  environmentally-hazardous substances to rise. In the course of  the acid polishing, the hot or cold final layer releases tin or titani-um chlorides, such as hydrofluoric acid and sulphuric acid. These substances must be drawn off, as they are harmful to one's health.


  • Textile processing

Clothing can lose small lint and thread particles. These are so light that they can hover in the air of  enclosures, and any motion continuously whirls them up. A high concentration of  these airborne fibres is present particularly in the processing of  textiles. There are also chemicals  used  for  dyeing  clothing,  which  are  usually  harmful  to  health and therefore need to be extracted.


  • Refilling work, packaging processes, feeding and conveying processes

When  materials  are  moved  from  one  place  to  another,  such  as  during  packaging  or  transportation,  this  process  can  cause  particles  to  be  released.  Especially  since  they  are  not  visible  to  the  human  eye,  the  risk  should  not  be  underestimated.  Particles  can  develop  from  turbulences.  TBH filter and extraction systems safely remove these particles from the ambient air.


Delivery scope

  • Completely mounted
  • 4 castors for mobile use
  • Power cord

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